Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, became a metropolitan municipality in 1993. The municipality is a local government whose duty and authorization definition was determined by Law No. 5216 on the Metropolitan City and Law No. 6360 on the Establishment of Fourteen Metropolitan Municipalities in Thirteen Provinces and Twenty-seven Districts and Amending Certain Laws and Decree-laws. Within the Law No. 5216 on the Metropolitan Municipality, it has a wide range of authorities and duties including infrastructure, construction, transportation, environment, development and planning, health, social services and youth, licensing, fire brigade, economic and financial services.
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality has made regional sports fields, green spaces, fishermen shelters, stream improvement, streamside recreations, coastal regulations etc. Antalya participated in the competition of “Communities in Bloom” initiated by a Canadian non-profit organization, and won the Five Blooms Gold Community’s award because of the workings in this project. The workings of the Boğaçay Project which will make a tremendous impact on the international area, continues.